(New York, NY) – Common Energy is pleased to offer some relief to government employees impacted by the federal government shutdown by paying their electricity bills for up to two months. Initially, government employees in New York will be eligible (all areas except New York City and Long Island). Based on demand and company resources, Common Energy may expand the offer to other states.

Impacted employees may register at https://www.commonenergy.us/. Common Energy will validate their electricity charges with their utility and pay employee bills on their behalf for up to two months. Thereafter, government employees will receive a contracted 10% discount to their existing electricity rate from Common Energy, which they can renew for up to twenty years.
“We are pleased to offer some relief to impacted government employees,” said Richard Keiser, CEO of Common Energy. “Government employees will benefit in three ways: immediate relief for outstanding electricity bills, long-term savings through a contracted discount to their electric utility, and immediate environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions.”
Common Energy’s core business is to provide lower cost clean electricity. Unlike retail energy providers who offer teaser rates that increases over time, Common Energy offers a fixed, contracted discount to the prevailing electricity or credit rate, thereby ensuring that its customers save money. In addition to the monetary savings, Common Energy subscribers enable additional clean energy to connect to the grid, lowering emissions and pollution in their communities.
Common Energy recently won two awards from the New York Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and is an official partner of Governor Cuomo’s Solar For All program. Common Energy is also registered with the New York Public Utilities Commission.